Sun. May 12th, 2024

Imagine indulging in a cheese that effortlessly balances richness, creaminess, and freshness, all in one delectable package. Welcome to the world of Burrata cheese, an Italian delicacy that has been captivating taste buds for generations. Originating from the lush region of Puglia in Italy, Burrata is a cheese lover’s dream—a tantalizing combination of soft, luscious curds and a creamy center that oozes luxury with every bite.

In this blog, we’ll take you on a delightful journey to uncover the secrets of Burrata cheese – the best Italian food in Los Angeles, its history, production, and ways to savor it in all its glory. Prepare to be enchanted by the taste of Italian luxury!

The Story of Burrata Cheese

Burrata cheese traces its roots back to the early 20th century in the Apulia region of Italy. It is believed to have been created by local cheese artisans as a way to use up excess curds from Mozzarella production. The word “Burrata” translates to “buttery” in Italian, a fitting name that perfectly describes the rich, creamy texture of this cheese.

The Art of Burrata Cheese Making

The process of crafting Burrata cheese is a true labor of love. Skilled cheesemakers in Italian restaurants in Los Angeles begin by stretching fresh Mozzarella curds into a pouch-like shape. Then, they fill this pouch with a sumptuous mixture of cream and soft, hand-torn Mozzarella scraps. The pouch is carefully sealed, creating a luscious ball of cheese with an irresistibly creamy center. The cheese is traditionally wrapped in asphodel leaves, adding a touch of authenticity to its appearance.

The Sensory Experience

Unwrapping a Burrata cheese ball is akin to unwrapping a gift from nature. As you slice into its soft exterior, the creamy interior spills out, tempting your senses with its buttery aroma and velvety texture. The first taste is pure indulgence—the creaminess caressing your palate, balanced by the slight saltiness of the Mozzarella. The sensation is unmatched, leaving you yearning for more.

Savoring Burrata Cheese

Burrata cheese is a versatile delight that can be enjoyed in a myriad of ways. Here are some delightful serving suggestions:

a. Burrata Caprese Salad

Combine Burrata cheese with ripe tomatoes, fresh basil leaves, and a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil and balsamic glaze. It’s a classic Italian dish that showcases the cheese’s decadence.

b. Burrata Bruschetta

Spread Burrata on toasted baguette slices and top with roasted cherry tomatoes, a sprinkle of sea salt, and a dash of black pepper. It’s an elegant and effortless appetizer that will impress your guests.

c. Pasta Perfection

Stir Burrata into warm pasta for a creamy and luxurious sauce that compliments dishes like spaghetti, ravioli, or gnocchi.

d. Burrata Pizza

Replace regular Mozzarella with Burrata on your homemade or ordered pizza for a gourmet twist that elevates your pizza experience.

Pairing Burrata with Wine

Pairing Burrata cheese with the right wine enhances the gastronomic experience. Opt for a light-bodied white wine like Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc, allowing the cheese’s creaminess to harmonize with the wine’s acidity.


Burrata cheese is an Italian luxury that beckons food enthusiasts to savor its heavenly taste. Its rich history, meticulous production process, and delightful sensory experience make it a sought-after delicacy worldwide. Whether enjoyed on its own, in salads, or as part of a gourmet dish, Burrata adds a touch of Italian luxury to any meal. So, the next time you come across a Burrata cheese, unwrap it like a treasured gift and let its creamy embrace transport you to the enchanting culinary landscapes of Italy. 

Buon appetito!


What is Burrata cheese made of? 

Burrata cheese is made from Mozzarella curds filled with cream and soft Mozzarella scraps, creating a creamy center.

How should I serve Burrata cheese? 

Burrata can be enjoyed in various ways – in a Caprese salad, on bruschetta, with pasta, or even on pizza.

What wine pairs well with Burrata cheese? 

Light-bodied white wines like Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc complement Burrata’s creaminess and enhance the taste.

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By Alexa

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