Tue. Jun 25th, 2024
Yellowstone Season Review

When Yellowstone Season 3 came to a close, it did so with one of the deadliest episodes and one of the most savage cliffhangers in modern television history. When the Dutton family was involved in the war against the Beck Brothers and the spectacular Season 2 climax, it had huge ramifications on almost every level, from emotional anguish to political power swings. So there’s a lot to keep in mind before Yellowstone Season 4 premieres on Netflix.

 But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with a complete Yellowstone (U.S. TV series) review, including everything you need to know about the show before Yellowstone season 4 episodes start streaming.

The Fallout From Season 2

 Let us recall Yellowstone season 2 using the references of the Yellowstone cast. Tate (Brecken Merrill), the son of Kayce (Luke Grimes) and Monica (Kelsey Asbille), is suffering from nightmares after his abduction at the start of Season 3 of The Walking Dead. 

 Once they’ve returned to the ranch, Monica thinks that spending more time staying occupied with John (Kevin Costner) would aid in his recovery from his injuries. While spending meaningful time with his grandpa night helps Tate recuperate from his trauma, it also provides Kayce and Monica with an opportunity to reunite and rekindle their long-distance relationship.

 In terms of politics, John is the one who has to deal with the aftermath of the high-profile clash that resulted in Tate’s return. With six people killed and an apparent personal conflict stemming from his grandson being kidnapped, John must resign from his position as Livestock Commissioner to avoid Tate’s rescue being characterized as a “gross misuse of authority” with no repercussions.

 That so, the ramifications are modest since the status is readily maintained within the Dutton clan. The new Livestock Commissioner is Jamie (Wes Bentley), who first refuses to accept the position. However, when Jamie is elevated to the status of temporary Attorney General for the state, Kayce grudgingly decides to take on the place and finds that he enjoys it.

 This was about the cast of Yellowstone!

Cast Of Yellowstone Posing As The New Threat In Town

 Although the Duttons were victorious in their struggle against the Beck Brothers with no agonizing deaths, not everyone walked away with their lives. Dan Jenkins (Danny Huston), a wealthy California businessman and former Dutton adversary who had become a hesitant ally, was slain in the Season 2 finale, creating a power vacuum that other adversaries may fill. And they do it quickly.

 To the rescue comes Market Equities, a new big-money shady enterprise that has set its eyes on the Duttons’ property. A company called Market Equities buys out Jenkins’ estate and assigns it to Rourke (Josh Holloway), who is tasked with brokering a deal with the Duttons or forcing them out, whichever occurs first. 

 Moreover, Market Equities are much larger and more potent than Jenkins ever was; they are not just interested in the property but also in constructing an airport and transforming the area as a whole. That puts him and the firm struggling with Beth (Kelly Reilly). She shorts their stock and causes billions of dollars in losses for their investors, but also loses her job when Market Equities takes out Schwartz & Meyer and terminates her employment contract. 

 When it comes to construction, Rourke says, “Why to fantasize about creating golf courses when you may be building cities?” On the other hand, Market Equities is a conflict with the Broken Rock Reservation and its chief, Thomas Rainwater, because of this (Gil Birmingham). 

 Rainwater was formerly John Dutton’s greatest local adversary, always plotting to reclaim the Dutton lands for his tribe; nevertheless, they banded together against the Becks and stayed unified against Market Equities – for the most part – against Market Equities. Rainwater enlists the assistance of Angela Blue Thunder (Q’orianka Kilcher), a “merciless” heavyweight with whom he hopes to knock down Rourke. At the end of the day, though, she views the Duttons as enemies of her people, and she might prove to be a significant danger. 

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Monica Is The MVP Of The Yellowstone Show

 Even though Kayce and Monica spend most of the first season on a reservation and the majority of the second season apart, they cannot escape the gravity of the Dutton family and their terrible legacy. 

 Because they’re back together and living on Yellowstone Ranch, it was almost inevitable that Monica would get her hands filthy. However, the greatest surprise was that Monica’s first “kill” had nothing to do with the Dutton family.

 Following discovering a young woman’s corpse, Rainwater establishes a committee to oppose violence against women on the tribe and enlists Monica’s assistance in tracking out the perpetrator. 

 The murderer is finally shot and killed by Mo (Mo Brings Plenty) during his assault on Monica, even though she puts her own life in danger to complete the mission. Even though the procedure shakes Monica, it also brings her and her friend Kayce closer together. Monica is speculated to be the best character even in Yellowstone season 4. 

The Dutton Is A Strong Brand In Yellowstone TV Show

 Another big piece in the jigsaw is the Dutton legacy of branding their most devoted Bunkhouse crew is added to the mix when it comes to violence bringing people together. Following the hiring of a couple of guys to provoke John Dutton, an assault on two new workers at the ranch, Teeter (Jennifer Landon) and Colby (Jason Clarke), occurs (Denim Richards). 

 At the same time, Rip and Lloyd (Forrie Smith) run into Walker (Ryan Bingham) at a pub, which comes as a surprise considering Kayce was meant to murder him in Season 2. Yellowstone streaming brings him back to the ranch, where he is shot and killed by Rip. 

 The Bunkhouses are successful in their mission. One of the guys, Wade Morrow (Boots Southerland), is the owner of the Dutton trademark brand and has betrayed John at some time in his life. The Bunkhouses devise a trap in reaction to the assault, instructing Rip to “take ’em to the railway station” (Dutton-speak for “murder someone”). 

 Walker removes the brand from Morrow’s breast just before he is hanged for regaining the family’s confidence. Immediately after the execution, Rip informs them that “Y’all wanted retribution, but there’s a price to pay for revenge,” and many members of the Bunkhouse crew, including Teeter and Colby, agree to bear the brand that night.

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Generational Wealth In Yellowstone Netflix

 After a period spent waging battle against Market Equities, Beth grips with the truth that her family’s farm is unsustainable under the present ownership structure, previous seasons have shown that, even though the Duttons’ property provides them with big money and local authority, it also leaves them with a significant monetary deficit. 

 Rourke informs her bluntly, “That land is not your family’s history; it is a relic that will continue to value until you can no longer afford it,” and Beth concurs to her surprise. She brings the enormous bargain to her father’s attention and explains why he should accept it. 

 As a result, the family can no longer afford to maintain the property. With incredibly well-funded firms and investors vying for it from every direction, the land will gradually be chipped away until nothing is left to support the family or their heritage. 

 Even though John recognizes the danger and trusts his daughter, he also committed his dying father all those years ago, and he makes it evident that he would “rather sacrifice his life than breach his pledge.”

We Finally Know About Beth & Jamie With Yellowstone Season 4 Release Date

 It’s always evident that Beth despises her brother Jamie, but following Season 3, we now know exactly why she feels this way. In flashbacks, it is revealed that Beth sought Jamie’s assistance when she became pregnant as a teenager and wanted to have an abortion. And do you know what else? Beth, you’ve made your point. 

 To keep her identity a secret, he transported her to a small abortion clinic with horrifying policies: abortions at that facility are only performed after a hysterectomy has sterilized the woman. 

 Jamie was completely aware of the financial implications, but he didn’t inform Beth about them, which means he essentially exposed his sister to the horrors of sterilization without her knowledge. Additionally, John learns of Jamie’s treatment of Beth, and the Dutton patriarch is outraged and devastated, further eroding his already strained relationship with his son.

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Jamie Will Be A Turning Point In Yellowstone Cast Season 4

It turns out that Jamie isn’t John’s biological son after all. While attempting to get a copy of his birth certificate, Jamie discovers that he was adopted. This information helps Jamie in his quest to become Attorney General. 

If John challenged him, he said, “I protected you, directed you, and loved you. You may call me anything you want, Jamie. But I will call you son because I have earned the right to do so, and it is the hardest thing I have ever done,” John said. 

“You are a resourceful guy. Therefore I am certain that you will be able to track him down and examine his dark fucking heart and rotten soul. Jamie, you have the option to stare into his eyes if you so choose. You have the option of choosing who you want to call father.”

As a result of his meeting with John, he learns that his “actual” father is a convicted murderer who killed his mother when he was a child. In a desperate attempt to grasp who he truly is, Jamie seeks down his father, Garrett Randall (Will Patton). 

Through Garrett, Jamie learns the whole reality of his tragic origin: To get rid of her drug addiction, Garrett beat his wife to death when Jamie was only three months old. As he puts it bluntly: “Your mother sold her body for drugs, and I murdered her due to it.”

Garrett also had some bad advice for his long-estranged son, which seems to have significantly influenced the young man. “The Yellowstone isn’t a ranch; it’s an empire,” says the narrator. “Imperials are yours to take,” he says to Jamie. And where does Jamie want to take her empire? “It’s the most basic thing on the face of the planet. “You assassinate the king.” 

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Love Is In The Country In Yellowstone Season 1 

Season 3 of Yellowstone was not only filled with plotting and carnage; it was also the most romantic season of the series yet. As previously stated, Kayce and Monica’s marriage is on the mend, but that is just the beginning of the healing process.

After protecting her from the Becks’ assassins in Season 2 and confessing his feelings for her, Beth and Rip (Cole Hauser) finally made their relationship official. Knowing that he would never ask John for her hand in marriage, she asks Rip instead, and with her father’s consent, she asks Rip to be her husband and partner in life. 

When Beth accepts his proposal, he asks Lloyd to serve as his best man, and he digs up his mother’s grave to present her with his mother’s engagement ring. A morbidly romantic gesture for a couple who spent their “first date” watching a group of wolves consume a dead deer was a perfect choice for this pair.

Teeter and Colby begin to develop a romantic connection. At the same time, Jimmy (Jefferson White), a ranch worker who suffers a damaged spine in an accident, finds love with Mia (Eden Brolin), whom he meets at a rodeo after being injured in the same accident. Jimmy’s medical costs are paid for by John, who also makes him pledge to give up the rodeo. 

On the other hand, Mia is naturally upset by the fact that Jimmy allowed John to brand him and by the amount of control the Duttons have over their workers. After the episode, she gives Jimmy an ultimatum: either disobey John and retain her or remain off the horse and risk losing her completely. Now we are waiting for Yellowstone Season 4 to stream.

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