Fri. Jun 28th, 2024
edibles packaging

If you are new in the food packaging sector, you might be overwhelmed by the availability of different options. You want to get the best custom-made edible boxes for your products. This is because packaging creates the first impression of your brand. It plays a significant role in increasing your business sales. People are always attracted to the outlook of your products. A well-designed packaging solution can make believe that the product they are going to purchase is also of high quality. In this highly competitive market, you need to perform best to enjoy a prominent position on shelves. If designed appropriately, custom edibles packaging can make your products outshine the crowd. Let us discuss 5 easy ways to select useful and elegant edible boxes for your products:

Keep Your Products Safe:

Your packaging is a big failure if it is unable to protect your goods or save them from atmospheric effects. It is one of the most important functions performed by edible boxes. If your packaging looks low quality or there is a chance that it will get damaged during the transition, the customers will prefer to switch to another brand. The customers want their food to be delivered in the best packaging that does not only deliver the items safely but also helps in retaining their quality for long. These custom-made boxes are designed from eco-friendly, food-safe material. It is free from toxins, allergens, and a variety of other contaminants that helps in preventing the food from spoilage. When your edibles are packed in a chemical-free material, it increases the customers’ trust in your brand.

Think about Shapes & Sizes:

Food choices are unlimited. The same is the case with their packaging. While designing edible boxes for your food items, it is necessary to take their shape and size into consideration. The right size is necessary to give an elegant look to your packaging. Choosing a too large or a too-small box proves inefficient in the terms of protection as well as outlook. A large box will make your food move all around and a smaller one will make it difficult to fit in.  There is nothing wrong with businesses sticking to the same standard shapes and sizes. It is easy to produce for packaging manufacturers.

The only requirement is that their shape and size should well match the type of product, it should create a better shelf appeal, and above all, the way you design it should not be worth an additional cost during packaging production. Going for the right shape and size can give you flexibility and convenience to store, handle and transport your packages more effectively. Also, avoid bespoke packaging choices that may allow you to place small orders and reduce your cost. Instead, invest those savings in smart packaging choices to create more brand recognition and enhance visual impact.

Educate the Shoppers about the Product:

Your edibles packaging should immediately tell people what you are selling. Several details cannot be explained verbally or through advertisement, your custom boxes are a perfect way to acknowledge customers about various aspects. In the case of food packaging, some of the important details customers want to get include the list of ingredients along with their percentage proportion, nutritional value, manufacture, and expiry date, quantity or serving size, flavors or health warning, etc.

Moreover, it should also highlight your brand name, logo along with other technical details like QR codes or smart labels to grab customers’ attention in seconds. This information should be precisely and simply printed on the edible packages to make people understand what the product is all about. Adding excessive details is also not good. It confuses the customers. Choosing an appropriate font style, size and color is also necessary. It should be readable and do not merge with the background shade to appear blurred.

Advertise and Market your Products Effectively:

Custom packaging can be used to market your merchandise. This encourages shoppers to want to buy from your brand rather than from the competition. You will need to include special features of your product here. It is important to be honest if you want to get loyal customers. If you are selling a food item that has all-natural ingredients or some special ingredient that helps improve health, state this. Skincare items that are dermatologically tested should inform shoppers about this.

Focus On Sustainability

Sustainability is a key factor when it comes to edible packaging. Especially if you are selling natural or herbal food there is no other better option. Go for the edible boxes that are designed from 100% recyclable material. Paperboard, cardboard, and Kraft paper are a few good choices in this regard. You might have seen Styrofoam and harmful plastics being used to create food packaging boxes for years. The latest wave is moving towards more sustainable options intending to reduce waste.   An eco-friendly edibles packaging will make your consumers happy and satisfied, reflecting a more eco-conscious image of your brand.

Go for a Great Design:

Last but not the least; always invest in great packaging design. It’s one of the basic elements of your business success. Well-designed edible packaging can highlight your brand better and help in connecting more with the target audience. However, your design should remain consistent throughout all your products. In the case of food packaging, you need to create your packages in a way that customers are instantly tempted towards them. You have an array of choices for color selection, images, box styles, layout, or a branding theme. Sending the right message to the audience through your packaging design is the most effective way to increase your sales and the customer base.

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